Sunday 9 November 2008

Inga's Family at Wendell's Lake

Our American Cousin, Inga, has sent this lovely photo of her family at their lakeside hideaway.

Inga says, 'Sid this is where we 'chill out.' It's our equivalent to your allotment!
From the left: Steve, my son. Bubba, Wendell's and my dog [nicknamed Obubba :-)!] Next is Jeania, my daughter-in-law. Wendell and our grandson Winston.'


Sid said...

Wow, that looks wonderful.

Vivienne said...

Hi Folks,

Maureen, I hope you're ok, and not still having computer problems. My wireless router, which I was assured I'd receive by Friday, still hasn't come, so I've logged another complaint and asked for compensation, plus the cost of the router. I haven't had a reply yet!

My sister's booked us into a cottage near Tarn How for four nights next week. She didn't realise until after she booked, that the only heating is a log stove in the sitting area/ kitchen, and a small radiator in a downstairs shower room! There is a generator to supply a little bit of electricity, but only one power point to use for charging mobile phones only. I guess we're in for four very cold nights. We may end up sitting over the stove all night!

Inga, while I'm freezing in bed I'll think of you on your dock, soaking up the sun!

By the way Sid, I love the photo of The Boss!

Vivienne said...

Hi again,

In case anyone is remotely interested in the answer to, 'What goes when it's up and stops when it's down?' is a ship controlled by an anchor.

Inga said...

Hi guys, this lake is just one of the reasons I like living in America even though I can fuss about it, and make fun of it as much as anybody. Neither Wendell, our son nor I am rich by any stretch of the imagination but with a little luck one can still find such places at a reasonable price - there is still so much space over here. The original dock [without the top] where my son and Bubba are lounging was purchased several years ago when Wendell was still farming. Last year we, Wendell and I that is, built the top. I say "we" but my only contribution consisted of handing him the tools and making sure that he did not fall off the ladder! To this day I don't know how we - or at least one of us - managed not to end up falling into the lake! My favorite tape measure was not as lucky!
The "pantoon boat" where the rest of the family is seated was purchased this year, used, without a motor, for a very reasonable price. We do plan to buy a trolling [electric] motor next year so we can all go fishing together, including Bubba who doesn't understand why we cannot find room in the itty bitty boat we have right now. At first he sat on the dock whining until we got back, later he tried to follow us along the shore of the lake and even attempted to swim out to the boat but he always backs out once the water gets deep enough were he has to actually swim.

VIVIENNE - Tarn How must be an absolutely stunning place, why else would you be willing to spend any time in this cottage!
Sorry, Vivienne I just could not get my head around the up and down puzzle and I am still not sure I know what a "ship controlled by an anchor" is.

SID - I am trying to remember where the comment about your Christmas cards is. In any case, I would LOVE for you to send me one. I can tell you right now IT WILL GET FRAMED ! Just don't know if it's ok to post my address here. Please let me know. As you know I am still a novice blogger and have already committed one blunder, don't want to commit any more.

Inga said...

VIVIENNE - I JUST SAW THE BIN! But it seems it is only available immediately after you post a comment. Is that corrrect?

Vivienne said...

Hi Inga,

The bin should appear on all your posts when you are logged in. It should also appear when you have just posted. I've found that it doesn't always appear when I've just posted a comment! Keep looking when you're signed in.

When the anchor is up the ship goes. When it's down the ship stops!

If you both wish to email M&D with your addresses, I can see that they are passed to each other. You will need to click on M&D's, 'View my complete profile' to find their email address.

Inga said...

Vivienne, I just posted a comment at the Truckshunter's blog but no bin appeared and I am signed in. Guess I've got one more puzzle to solve with your help

Sid said...

Hello everyone, that's a good idea of yours Vivienne, and also very kind. I shall e-mail M&D as soon as I've finished here.
I had a draughty day at the allotment, took me an hour to spot the tear in my jeans. Four inches long, just near my back pocket. No wonder Gillian was smiling as I walked out of her day centre this morning.

Sid said...

Vivienne, can I suggest you take some firelighters with you, and of course a couple of lighters. They may let you charge your mobile whilst there, but it doesn't guarantee a signal. I think you will have a great time. At least you shouldn't be pestered by gas/elec salesmen.elyces

Sid said...

It seems as though I managed to type the verification letters at the end of my comment. Some times I amaze myself.

Inga said...

Hello All, I finally got around to sending my weird place names in Arkansas to Ian, Hildie. He not only read them tonight, he very cleverly mentioned that you, Hildie, had encouraged me to do so, which he followed with pointing out that there are a lot of us "plotting behind his back so to speak" and that we can be found on M&D's blog. Pretty neat, I thought.