Thursday 13 November 2008

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Grey's Monument

River Tyne - Bridges viewed from Newcastle
plus The Sage, Gateshead
Tyne, Swing & High Level Bridges

Gateshead Millennium Bridge & The Baltic Art Gallery

Baltic Abseil (that's a look of terror!)
with Newcastle in the distance


Murphy and Dora said...

Hello Inga,

Just a few views of Newcastle for you; the area featured by Loz in, 'On Your Doorstep' and the River Tyne, which divides Newcastle & Gateshead.

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Sid said...

Morning everyone, lovely pics Vivienne, nice one of you dangling by a rope. I should have known you would have had a go at something like that, you're a bit of an action woman. And there was I, suggesting to you that you should take some firelighters to the cottage. You probably keep some in your car all the time, just in case.

Vivienne said...

Good morning all,

It's all a con Sid. It took me 56 years before I attempted abseiling! I was approached by the RNIB, to see if anyone at our day centre would participate. I was the only one daft enough to have a go, and I only did it to prove I could, while I was still able.

To make matters worse a camera crew filmed all my efforts, from trying to climb over the rail on the top of the building, to setting off down the wall. The latter was the easy part. Climbing out was terrifying. It took an hour and a half afterwards before I stopped shaking!

Thankfully the camera crew didn't use their footage, as that was the year the 86 year old and her partner got engaged before their descent.

However, you are just about right when it comes to me being prepared. I don't carry firelighters in the car, but carry everything else in my handbag. I keep buying new bags as the straps come loose with the weight.

When I go on holiday I fill the boot of my car - just in case!

I looked at the Webcam this morning expecting to see Ian surrounded by lots of balloons, but not one in sight! I did hear his attempts to blow some up, plus a lot of escaping air and much 'popping.'

Inga said...

WOW - thanks Vivienne, more later got to get ready.