Sunday 30 November 2008

Gateshead Millennium Bridge


Sid said...

Hello, its just me. This photo Vivienne is superb. I don't know about anyone else but if I just click on it, the whole thing becomes enlarged, and it keeps its quality.
I was born not far from the area in the photo. If I close my eyes I can still see the steam trains pulling the loaded trucks along the tracks on the quayside. Many a time the dockers would 'accidently' drop a box of Outspan oranges and roll them along the side of the shed where we were. It took some explaining to mam where the oranges came from....I shouldn't have been on the quay in the first place. I think that was my "Just William" phase.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

I'm pleased my picture has evoked such happy memories. I was lucky to capture the open bridge and boat at that time, as I was showing off the bridge to my friend from Barbados, who was visiting me that week. Incidently, she loves the Angel of the North.

Yes, I can enlarge the pictures too by clicking on them. Unfortunately it doesn't work very well for our small Comments' photos.