Wednesday 29 December 2010

AGM below Grey's Monument

Left to Right:

Michael, Linda, Ada, Gerry (J.Arthur Smallpiece), Keith, Hildie, Ian, Neville & Serge

Thursday 4 November 2010

Alison Best (Artist)

It is with deep sadness that we say 'Goodbye' to Alison Best, who passed away earlier this week.

Ian Robinson, pictured here with Alison, has posted more information about Alison and her work on

Alison had been excited at finding venues to show and sell her wonderful artwork, which you may read in a 'Comment' from Alison on Ian's Posting - 228.

Saturday 23 October 2010

Thursday 16 September 2010

Sunday 29 August 2010

Neville's AGM Photos

Excellent Photos Neville!!!

Thanks Hildie for forwarding the pictures to us.

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Tuesday 29 June 2010

For Lexophiles (Lovers of Words)..


1. A bicycle can't stand alone;
it is two tired.
2. A will is a dead giveaway.
3. Time flies like an arrow;
fruit flies like a banana.
4. A backward poet writes inverse.
5. A chicken crossing the road:
poultry in motion.
6. When a clock is hungry it goes back
four seconds.
7. The guy who fell onto an upholstery
machine was fully recovered.
8. You are stuck with your debt
if you can't budge it.
9. He broke into song because he
couldn't find the key.
10. A calendar's days are numbered.
11. A boiled egg is hard to beat.
12. He had a photographic memory
which was never developed.
13. The short fortune-teller who escaped
from prison: a small medium at large.
14. Those who get too big for their
britches will be exposed in the end.
15. When you've seen one shopping
centre you've seen a mall.
16. If you jump off a Paris bridge,
you are in Seine.
17. When she saw her first strands of grey
hair, she thought she'd dye.
18. Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses.
19. Acupuncture: a jab well done.
20. Marathon runners with bad shoes
suffer the agony of de feet.
21. The roundest knight at king Arthur's
round table was Sir Cumference.
He acquired his size from too much pi.
22. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan
island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.
23. She was only a whisky maker,
but he loved her still.
24. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from
algebra class because it was a weapon
of math disruption.
25. No matter how much you push the envelope,
it'll still be stationery.
26. A dog gave birth to puppies near the
road and was cited for littering.
27. Two silk worms had a race.
They ended up in a tie.
28. A hole has been found in the nudist
camp wall. The police are looking into it.
29. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
30. I wondered why the baseball
kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
31. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab
centre said: 'Keep off the Grass.'
32. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital.
When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse
said, 'No change yet.'

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Compared with Petrol......

image001.gifCompared with Petrol......
image002.gifThink a gallon of petrol is expensive?
This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective.
Diet Snapple 16 oz £1.29 .. £10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz £1.19 ...........£9.52 per gallon
image006.jpgOcean Spray 16 oz £1.25 ....... £10.00 per gallon
Brake Fluid 12 oz £3.15 ...... £33.60 per gallon
Vick's Nyquil 6 oz E8.35 ... £178..13 per gallon
image009.jpgPepto Bismol 4 oz £3.85 . £123.20 per gallon
Tippex 7 oz £1.39 ....... . £5.42 per gallon

And this is the REAL KICKER...
Evian water 9 oz £1.49..£21.19 per gallon!
£21.19 for WATER and the buyers don't even know the source
(Evian spelled backwards is Naive.)
You don't even want to compare it with perfume or after shave.
Ever wonder why printers are so cheap?
So they have you hooked for the ink.
Someone calculated the cost of the ink at.................
(you won't believe it....but it is true........)
£5,200 a gal... (five thousand two hundred pounds)
So, the next time you're at the pump,be glad your car doesn't
run on water, or Tippex, Pepto Bismol, Nyquil or God forbid,
Printer Ink!