Wednesday 29 December 2010

AGM below Grey's Monument

Left to Right:

Michael, Linda, Ada, Gerry (J.Arthur Smallpiece), Keith, Hildie, Ian, Neville & Serge


Sid said...

A good photo Vivienne, good job you were the one with the camera. It looks rather cold and damp, even Ian is dressed up for the winter. A good turnout nevertheless.

Sid said...

Hmmm, should have read it before posting, far too many goods,lol.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

I was sorry you and Maureen couldn't make it. You were both missed by Ian, Hildie and me. Yes it was cold, although I didn't really notice until making my way back to my car. Several of my fingers were completely white and so numb that I couldn't feel the heat from a self heating pad inside my glove, 'though I could with my 'alive' fingers. My toes were just as bad!

Ian plans to do an AGM photography feature on Truckshunters, as he asked for copies of our photos and he also took individual photos of us. He asked the waitress to take a group pic on his phone, and that turned out very well.