Friday 15 May 2009

Harperley Prisoner of War Camp, Weardale


Maureen said...

Looks like you've been on your travels again Vivienne. Is Harperley closed altogether now then? It seems such a pity. We never did go although we always meant to. Have you ever been to Eden Camp at Pickering? We've been there a few times, it's very interesting.

Maureen said...

The word verification was colistz which I found a strange coincidence. Very close to Coldlitz don't you think?

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

My word verification is 'mocks' do you think that's a response to your 'colistz'?

Yes, I'm afraid the sign is still there at Harperley saying that the site is private and no access permitted. After seeing the camp on 'Restoration' I always hoped to take my Mother, but sadly she was never well enough. If I'd known it was going to close I would have made a point of going on my own.

I've never visited Eden Camp either. Some of the staff from my day centre arranged a couple of trips with service users, but my services weren't required, or desired, I'm not sure which!

Sid said...

When in Germany many years ago I made a visit to the Belsen Prisoner of War camp.
In those days everyone knew something about Belsen, but it hadn't prepared me for what I read about, nor pictures I saw, at the museum.
The word verification for this posting is 'suril' uncanny is that.