Sunday 1 March 2009

The Tanfield Railway


Sid said...

Magical photos Vivienne, I can smell the smoke and feel the warmth of the sun on my back. Darn it, it's raining outside...

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

Thanks for your glowing appreciation. Your kind words are an inspiration, as are those from Maureen and others who like my photos.

Maureen said...

Yes, lovely pictures again Vivienne. Do you know a funny thing? My brother in law takes his grandaughter to Tanfield almost every Sunday, and I think that could be her in the bottom left of the last photo!

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

The photos were taken in August 2003. We hired the train for a mid-week trip. There was a party with children who turned up that day hoping for a ride on the train. One of our staff agreed to them joining the trip, as there were enough seats on the train. There were also some grandchildren came along with our service users from our day centre, so I'm not certain to whom the children belonged. I'm sure I took more photos than those I found on a cd. I'll dig deeper!

Maureen said...

2003? I'm afraid that Holly wasn't even born then Vivienne so it can't be her, but thanks anyway! They often ride in the winter when no one else is on the train and since she's such a regular everyone knows her. She's convinced that it runs just for her!