Wednesday 11 March 2009

Gibside Stables - More photos from the '1930s' Weekend


Sid said...

Great photos of great cars Vivienne. I belong to an era where it was almost tradition to have the bonnet up on a Sunday morning for a bit of a 'tinker with the engine'.
Nowadays I look under the bonnet, and am happy if I can spot the filler cap for the washer bottle.

Maureen said...

Lovely pictures again Vivienne, You always seem to be in the right place to get intersting pictures!
Sid, apparently you can't 'tinker' anymore! A friend of mine is employed in collecting new cars from various garages and delivering them to their new owners or showrooms. Last week they discovered a flat battery in a nearly new, high-spec car, instead of giving it a push and waving him off, he had to wait half a day while the technicians (they aren't called mechanics anymore) downloaded new software before it would start. So much for progress eh?

Vivienne said...

Thanks Sid and Maureen,

I bet the 'technicians' of today don't know how to 'bump' start a car. Did they try? Why did't they just replace the battery, after all it was a new car!

Sid said...

Not that long ago one of the 'new' buses running to the Sage and the Quayside broke down in Newcastle. No matter how they tried, it wouldn't start.
One phone call to the company somewhere in Europe, and they started it remotely from there.
Now that's what I call clever.

Maureen said...

Apparently, bump starting isn't an option with these high fallutin' models these days, although you are right, a new battery sounds like a sensible solution. He said when he eventually got in to reverse it, a tv screen appeared showing the rear view! Too much for me to cope with ...
I seem to remember Paul and Ian talking about those buses one day Sid, seems very stange doesn't it?