Saturday 21 March 2009

J Arthur Smallpiece, Poet Laureate, Man of Mystery !!!


Sid said...

I say Vivienne...
Could this be THE man that Ian is so desperate to meet, or at least, know the identity of. If so how on earth did you find him?.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

Would you believe it, Jerry turned up at the Winter Gardens today, and introduced himself to Ian! He has been following Truckshunters, and he and his dog came along to the AGM. He's going to get himself an email ID, so we can keep in touch. Hildie gave him her home address so he can send her some of his poems. Ian, Hildie and I were totally gob-smacked, and Ian was thrilled that 'J Arthur Smallpiece' had finally come out of hiding. It made his day. I was wishing that you, Maureen and the others had been able to come along to meet him. Ian is going to post again today, so I'm sure he'll tell you all about this momentous occasion in more detail.

Sid said...

Isn't that just the very reason Ian sets up these folks can just turn up.
I was worried that 'his nibs' might have been sat there on his own. Now it turns out to be one of the best meetings. I'm so pleased for Ian.

Maureen said...

Wow !!! Gobsmacked, absolutely brilliant. Like Ian, I've been fascinated by the Man Of Mystery, I was the one who first suggested the Poet Laureate title after Ian had read another of his marvellous poems out, to think that I might have been passing him in the street. Maybe he'll give Ian permission to publish his poems now? That has made my day.

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

We hoped you would pop out for a break, and come and find us to say, 'Hello.' We knew you would be as thrilled as Ian, Hildie and I that the great man had materialised at long last. Jerry gave Ian another poem, which Ian is aiming to scan and post. Hildie also offered to type some of his other works, and email them to Ian.

Jerry has been following the blog but is concerned about being overloaded with spam if he opens an email account. He has had an email ID in the past, and I guess he was sickened by the junk mail etc.

Smallpiece isn't his real name .... which we all guessed.

We are planning to meet on Wednesday 22nd April at the Secret Gardens, in the hope that you and Sid are able to join us next time. Unfortunately Jerry had left by the time we made the arrangement, so I don't know whether he's able to come along that day. I hope so.
Please try to come along too. We have a great laugh!