Thursday 19 February 2009

Renwick's Bookshop - Gibside (National Trust)


Vivienne said...

Hi Folks!

Renwick's Bookshop is situated inside the Gibside Stables and is now open for business. To locate the bookshop you need to enter the stables' courtyard via the left-hand archway - see 2nd photograph. Once inside the courtyard, Renwick's Bookshop is on your right. Also, as you enter the courtyard, toilets are situated in the buildings at the far side of the square; through a doorway to the left.

The courtyard still has its original cobbles which, unfortunately, create difficulties for wheelchair users, and folk with walking difficulties. People with access problems may be transported to the Stables via a motorised buggy - please enquire at Reception. The track to the stables is in very poor condition and is not open to visitors. However, discussions regarding improvements are in progress.

I hope to see you all at Renwick's some day soon. I'll be at Gibside this weekend, but in future my usual volunteering day will be Tuesdays.

Sid said...

That looks very interesting Vivienne, I'm sure it will take off in a big way. I wish the venture well.

Maureen said...

Looks like you are going to be kept busy Vivienne. Will you be serving coffee as well? Talk about multi tasking!
I hope that your first day goes smoothly for you.