Thursday 26 February 2009

Gibside - National Trust


Sid said...

Your photos are filling me with anticipation for the coming spring and summer. Can't wait.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

Today when I went shopping I saw a tree in blossom. It really cheered me up. I felt even better when the sun appeared! My flowering cherry tree is always late in blossoming, but I have some dwarf daffodils in bloom in my back garden. A couple of sparrows were picking away at some dead grass to build a nest. Spring is on the way!!!

View Truckshunters' for news from Inga. I received a card from her today - see this photo.

Sid said...

I'm looking forward to BST starting in 4 weeks. It's usually easier for me to get back to the allotment after teatime, rather than early in the mornings.
Inga must have posted our cards at the same time. Well done to the posties on both sides of the 'pond'.