Friday 23 January 2009

Transport at Beamish Museum


Murphy and Dora said...

Hello Friends!

Thought you may like to see some photos taken at Beamish Museum after all that talk about trolly buses and tram cars this morning on the 'Nightshift.'

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Sid said...

Hello everyone, it's been years since I last visited Beamish. Must do it this year, on a nice day of course. Great pics as always Vivienne, thanks.

Maureen said...

Yes, lovely pictures of Beamish, Vivienne, and on a lovely sunny day too. We went one day last summer and it rained so hard that we did a lightning tour of the recent additions which were fortunately under cover, like the Masonic Hall and the Bank. It's a marvellous tourist attraction for the North East although a bit pricey I think. I'm sure that they'd get a lot more local support if they reduced their prices.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid and Maureen,

Thanks for your kind comments about my photos. My friend from Barbados was staying with me for a week during a hot spell about 4-5 years ago. It was super visiting Beamish in such wonderfully hot and sunny weather. The only down side was the cost. As I had suggested the visit I felt I should pay for the treat. £32 was a lot of money to pay out for two entrance fees! It may be even more now! The price certainly puts me off visiting, so I only go on really special occasions.

I've finally got around to signing up as a volunteer at Gibside. There are lots of different volunteering opportunities, but the new book shop in the old Stable Block sounds very interesting. I'm going to a meeting on Wednesday, and will let you know how I get on. I feel the National Trust also charge too much for their entrance fees and in their coffee shops. As a volunteer I will be able to access N.T. properties free of charge, and also get 10% discount in their shops. I've deliberately held back from visiting National Trust venues since my retirement, knowing that as a volunteer I'll be able to get in free. Apparently I'll be able to attend their summer concerts free of charge too!

Hildie said...

Good Morning!
You are right about the cost of all these things, it's wicked!
I can't remember now what I paid for two cups of coffee and two scones in the coffee shop at Gibside a couple of years ago ... but it was something extortionate!
I couldn't enjoy the coffee or the scone for thinking about what they had cost!
I heard only yesterday that they are about to make some people redundant at Beamish. My brother-in law, Tony, is a senior demonstator there (he drives the steam train in the summer and the trams in the winter). However, he has Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia and is going through a course of chemotherapy at the moment so is off work sick. He heard from one of his workmates yesterday that plans for redundancies are afoot, so he is now wondering if he will have a job to go back to.
Vivienne, I have heard of some kind of a yearly ticket for Beamish but I don't know how much it costs. If you have one you can visit as much and as often as you like.
I think a trip to Beamish would be an ideal Truckshunters' day out, do you? Maybe we should start saving up! I'd also like us to go to the firework display at Stanfordham that Ian went to last year. Maybe we should draw up a list of little days out.
I hope you people are all keeping warm and keeping well. We had had a snowfall overnight in Dipton, but the rain has just about washed it away now.

Sid said...

This might interest you...
An annual pass into Beamish, valid for 12 months from date of issue is £21-00. 60+ is £17-00.

Hildie said...

Afternoon Vivienne,
I was thinking, when the final arrangements are made for Friday,
that both you and Ian maybe could post an invitation in big letters on the blogs. He is making a very open invitation on air, and on Truckshunters, to all listeners to join us Friday night and he is mentioning both blogs very openly at the moment. I'm wondering why he is being allowed to mention Truckshunters now, when he wasn't able to in the past.
Inga .... I'm contemplating listening to Radio Devon and wondering which programme you'd recommend. I'm very lost for something to listen to. I just keep thinking that there'll be nothing out there the like of which Ian offered. Two more 'Early
Breakfasts' to go. Can't take it in, that Ian's going, can you?