Thursday 8 January 2009
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Murphy & Dora are the mini mascots of Radio Newcastle's 'Nightshift' who enjoy sending postcards from their travels to radio presenter, Ian Robinson. murphyanddorastravels.blogspot.com has become a sister blog to Ian's own blog, truckshunters.blogspot.com. Please note that neither blog is associated with the BBC. They are purely social network blogs for like-minded folk. We welcome new friends into our network to read and use both blogs.
Hello Hildie!
Wishing you a super 60th birthday Hildie from all your friends.
Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx
Happy birthday Hildie,
Wishing you a fantastic day,
Lots of love, Vivienne xxx
Happy Birthday Hildie!
I've heard from Hildie this morning she's thrilled to bits with all of your good wishes and Ian's comments this morning. She's hoping to have access to a pc over the weekend and hopefully, a new pc sometime next week. We're all looking forward to that!
Good morning folks!
Would you believe it? I slept in and completely missed Ian this morning! I'd hoped to hear his patter to Hildie on her special birthday. Maureen, I'm pleased to learn that Ian did pass on our good wishes, and no doubt his own too.
I hope you're having a lovely day Hildie, and we're all looking forward to you being back online.
I hope that everyone else has a super day too. Inga, we haven't heard from you for a while. I hope you are keeping well.
Hello everyone, Ian was a proper gentleman this morning in not disclosing Hildie's age. He described her as a contributer to the EX Truckshunters blog. That took the shine off the greeting for me. Still I suppose it had to happen sometime.
You will hear it Vivienne when the dvd is complete.
Evening all, I hope Hildie had a lovely day, she shared it with Elvis, who apparently would have been 74, and Smooth Radio who celebrated their first anniversary and kept playing a Happy Birthday jingle throughout the day!
Sid, I'm afraid I have to hold my hand up to the Van Morrison idea for Hildie although Ian blamed you! She was amazed that you knew she was a fan and wondered how you'd found out and remembered. Maybe I should have left her guessing ...
PS. Just checked the Truckshunters blog, sorry to report only tumbleweed rolling around. I also caught Ians' comment this morning, looks like 'that's all folks!'
Happy Birthday Hildie albeit a day late... but that's always been me.. behind again.
Keep the faith truckshunters.... cheers
Vivienne, I loved your joke today about the ATM, I know a lot of female friends who can take a joke. I wondered if you would mind posting it or emailing it to me please? It certainly started my day with a smile. I also heard Christines' email from Birkheads this morning. I must tell her, as I know that she sent it in a while ago. (She has been into the 'Good Life' and recycling since way back to the Hippie days!)
Hi everyone,
Maureen I've emailled the ATM Male v's Female to you.
Sid, thanks for recording more of Ian's shows, particularly yesterday's on Hildie's birthday. I'll look forward to hearing it. I managed to sort out my radio alarm, so heard the Nightshift today. I'd tried to increase the volume, to ensure I woke up in time, but must have caught the setting button, and cancelled the alarm completly!
Hi again,
Isn't it odd how we check over our comments, but as soon as we post them we find letters missing!
Hello everyone, It seems longer than a week ago since I was eating the last of the pork from New Years day dinner.....
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