Sunday 4 January 2009

Happy New Year from Poppy (Holly's Cousin)


Sid said...

That's one cute dog.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

Holly doesn't think she's cute. She runs away from Poppy when Poppy chases her!

Maureen said...

Hi sorry I haven't been around much lately, things are starting to settle down now, I actually got a day off today, the first one since Christmas day, but that's retail for you! I'll stop moaning and try to put in more of an appearance now. I hope that everyone's well and we're starting to look forward to some longer days, even if they are cold. Minus 18 degreess forecast for Holland tonight, apparently they are all skating wherever possible and the shops are running out of skates, so we aren't doing too bad are we?
Cute dog pictures Vivienne, Holly looks like a real party animal!

Vivienne said...

Good morning folks!

Well it's great to have Ian back, and I've managed to hear most of his live broadcasts so far this week. It would be lovely to have him back on the blog again, and Hildie too. I hope she gets a new computer for her birthday.

Maureen, I hope you didn't get a job at Woolworth's, cos the last of them closed during your day off, so don't bother going into work today! Only joking! It's a worry though, I wonder how many more companies will close. I better use up my M&S vouchers before they disappear too!
Nothing has been said about the 'Jumper' chain closing a couple of months ago. I often bought 'tops' there, but my favourite store is the Edinburgh Woollen Mill. I'd need to go into therapy if it went into liquidation!

Maureen, I wonder how much I would get for my ice skates if I sold them on Ebay? On second thoughts I may need them if this weather continues!

Maureen said...

Vivienne, I would hold onto those skates if I were you, I think that we're all skating on tin ice at the moment! I hadn't heard about Jumper, they used to have a department in a store where I worked, it's sad to see those well known names go isn't it? What chance have the small companies got when the big ones can't cope with all of their expertise? I told Martin's mam about Woolworths and she said that although it was American it always meant England to her. Where are we going to go now for 'nothing over sixpence'?

Maureen said...

PS I hope Hildie's back tomorrow on a new computer, we've really missed her haven't we? Can I take this chance to say Happy Bithday to her if she does log on tomorrow.
How about Inga? Is she ok? I haven't seen much from her lately. She must be missing the Nightshift as I think she heard more of it than any of us.

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

You're right, we are skating on thin ice, and we're clutching at straws too!

I was talking to a saleswoman in Jumper a few months ago when I had some tokens to use up. I couldn't find any goods I liked. She told me Jumper had be taken over by some guy who was trying to modernise it. He'd brought in a load of rubbish, my words not her's, but he was aiming at the younger market. When the winter goods were due to go on sale no new stock was brought in. I used up my tokens on some goods I didn't really want. Next the shops closed 'for refurbishment' and I wasn't supprised when the 'closed' signs appeared. Somehow the closure of 'Jumper' never hit the News. I suppose it was because it was one of the first chain stores to go.