Monday 1 December 2008

Raby Castle


Inga said...

Vivienne - obviously an overabundance of deer is no excuse in your country to hunt them! It is here but we have never seen this many deer in any one place. I think 16 is as many as Wendell has seen. Please tell me: are your deer wild? Is somebody feeding them?

Sid said...

Hello everyone, hope you are all keeping warm.
Inga, would you like to have a look around the grounds, and perhaps stroll around inside Raby Castle, maybe have some of your questions answered, then try
The previous Lord Barnard (owner) and I served in the same territorial army regiment, The Northumberland Hussars. I've even slept in the stables at Raby Castle. The rats were a bit posh!

Inga said...

Thanks Sid, I checked it out and sent an enquiry about the deer population. Posh rats - you're just too funny!

Vivienne said...

Hi Folks!

Sid, you amaze me with your knowledge on all kinds of subjects!

Inga, I'm not aware of deer being hunted in the UK. I guess there will always be a few individuals who would do such an awful thing, and I think there have been incidents when culling has taken place when they have caused extensive damage to the countryside. However, I did have an American friend, from Delphi, who hunted deer every year with his friend, then in recent years, with his Grandson. I had the impression that deer hunting was more prevalent in the USA than in the UK. Perhaps I'm mistaken? Maybe Sid knows?

Fox hunting is a different matter, but that has now been banned. Although the former fox hunters still meet and ride with their hounds, they must not allow the hounds to chase foxes.

Inga said...

Hi Vivienne - as if I needed another reason to like the UK! Yes, unfortunately, deer hunting is a big thing. It is supposedly to control the deer population. This is why I found your photos so interesting. Once I have more information like what you just provided and what, hopefully, Raby Castle will provide, I am going to submit one of your photos [with your permission] for publication in a local newspaper, along with some kind of comment that hunting is not necessary to keep deer populations down. Wendell and I believe that if that becomes necessary, Mother Nature will take care of it somehow.

Sid said...

Morning folks,
Vivienne, deer hunting/stalking is very much alive in the UK and Europe.
I ran a search on the web and week long breaks for hunting deer in Scotland are available. The provider of these breaks even boast some rather gruesome photos of smiling hunters with their 'prizes' prostrate on the ground in front of them.
I have no idea whether the USA shoot more deer per head of population than we do. If I had to guess I would go for yes. Mainly because most folks probably have the weapon of choice in the cupboard or under the
I can give you the website address for the hunting of deer, but it isn't pretty.

Vivienne said...

Morning All,

Sid, I guessed it went on, but didn't think there were deer hunting holidays. No thanks, I don't wish to view the pictures.

Inga, I've never before seen so many deer in one place. There are some reserves on large estates, such as the National Trust property and land at Fountains Abbey, but I've only seen about 30 -40 there. Please use my photos if they will help.

Inga said...

Here's the response from Raby Castle. I will get on my soapbox about hunting again a little later.

Dear Inga,
Thank you for your enquiry. The deer herds in the Park are controlled by
our Gamekeepers and the venison is sold as part of the Estate business.

Kind regards
Clare Owen

Inga said...

Hello again - I guess if one looks at the way deer are "controlled" at Raby Castle as just another way of farming, one can't really raise any objections to it. But what some people do in the US is far from a way of farming. And yes, you're right Sid, a lot of people are proud of their constitutional right to possess guns. There have even been one or two comments in the news that there has actually been some panic buying of guns because they are afraid Obama might try to do something about our gun laws! I am going to send you a disgusting but interesting collage of photos which appeared in our local paper recently.

Hildie said...

Vivienne, you know I teach on a Friday at my local Primary School? A young teacher there who is musically gifted, has formed a choir within the school - and another one at a school near by (Shotley Bridge). I had this text message from her yesterday ..... " I know u'll be working, but do you know anyone who might want to go to a concert at Gibside on Friday 12th December? Tickets cost £4." I just thought I would pass the message on to you, in case you were interested in going. I believe the concert begins at 1:30p.m. Mind you, it could depend on how much snow we've got by then!

Love, Hildie.

Vivienne said...

Hi Hildie,

Thanks very much. I'll try to get along to Gibside on 12th. I guess I'll be able to pay at the door.

Hildie said...

Hello again, I texted Sarah, said I knew someone might like to go to the concert and could she pay at the door. She texted back
"Yes, I can put her name on a ticket and leave it with the team in the Information Room". Vivienne, I have no idea whether or not you'd want to do that.
If you go, and the children sing "It was on a Starry Night" -
that's my absolute favourite Christmas song.