Happy 60th Birthday Ian,
Hope you have a wonderful day and awesome year ahead.
Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx
Murphy & Dora are the mini mascots of Radio Newcastle's 'Nightshift' who enjoy sending postcards from their travels to radio presenter, Ian Robinson. murphyanddorastravels.blogspot.com has become a sister blog to Ian's own blog, truckshunters.blogspot.com. Please note that neither blog is associated with the BBC. They are purely social network blogs for like-minded folk. We welcome new friends into our network to read and use both blogs.
Happy Birthday Ian!!!
Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx
Hi, I don't know about anyone else but Ians' birthday has been like a present to me. Never mind the weather, I've felt in party mood all day and text and emailed everyone I could to get some mentions for him. When I went out I took my radio in case I missed anything, dashing to the park to take my 'one at one' I know it's not supposed to be contrived but I couldn't resist getting something with snow on. I don't suppose the following photos will be as picturesque!
I was in the dentist's chair at the time for my 'one on one' today. Have taken a photo of the outside of the building, hope it still counts.
Dear Murphy & Dora, have you finished your Christmas shopping yet, I thought you might have posted a photo showing us how busy you had been.
Sid, I was wondering if they'd got trapped in the Metrocentre carpark? You could spend a lifetime there, just driving round and round ...
We had to make ourselves familiar with the metro centre before it was opened to the public. Our boss at the time got there very early one day, parked up and walked into the metrocentre. He couldn't find it when he came out and had the honour of being the first person to report a vehicle being stolen from the metrocentre.
We came across it early next day....in the metrocentre car park. We had a coffee, and then our lunch, before we reported it being found.
Good for you Sid. I'm afraid I avoid the Metrocentre like the plague! I just can't see the fascination of being herded through the malls looking at the same shops that we have in every High St. I'm sure that you'll know the kind of place that we mean Inga, Malls seem to be the same, the world over. When it was built it was claimed to be the largest in Europe.
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