Thursday 25 December 2008

Merry Christmas Friends!


Lawrence said...

HAPPY CHRISTMAS - have a great day everyone.

Best Wishes


Vivienne said...

Thanks Loz, and wishing you and your family a super day too.

Merry Christmas everyone !!!

Lots of love,

Vivienne xxx

Sid said...

Thanks friends for your Christmas greetings, and of course we wish you all the very best in return.
I'm glad Ian has posted a new page, its time for a positive mental attitude.....maybe.

Maureen said...

Hi All,
Sorry, I've just found new posting. I hope that everyone has had a nice break and that we're gathering strength for the next 'holiday'
I know that Ian asked us to show restraint about his 'removal' but I for one intend to register my disapproval, otherwise they'll think that no none cares. We are entitled to our opinion. I wondered how others were thinking?

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

I'm also intending to register my complaint, but I'm waiting to see if they broadcast any of Ian's prerecorded material this week. I've hardly listened to Radio Newcastle since Ian didn't appear
the night he posted his news on

It was about 40 mins before a new jingle came on advertising continuous music all night. I was disgusted that a proper announcement wasn't made. I'm listening to Sid's dvd of the People's Nightshift as I'm writing this, and he's mentioned a few times material he planned to use over Christmas. However, I laughed when Ian called the 'Nightshift' the 'Nightshirt' twice!

I hope you are enjoying your Christmas festivities. I've had a quiet time since Christmas Day, but it's given me a chance to watch some of the tv shows I missed.

Maureen said...

Hi Vivienne,
I agree with you that I'd like to see which way Ian is going with this. I'm wondering if anyone has, or will make some kind of announcement about Ian's disappearance, or will he just vanish at the end of the month?
Like you, I listened to the first 40 mins of music and trailers, then switched off in disgust. I'm feeling quite disenchanted with Radio Newcastle and have listened to very little of it since...
Little did Sid realise when he kindly made those recordings for us, that he was giving us a little piece of history that I will always cherish.

Lawrence said...

Hi Vivienne, would it be possible to email me your email address please... my emal is which you can contact me on..... cheers


Maureen said...

Mornin All, Did anyone hear Simon Hoban opening after 6 this morning saying that they were in for Mike Parr? After about 20 mimutes he said Ian would probably be in next week as they'd had so many texts and emails asking where he was? I think he meant that Ian was going to be in anyway, but he felt that he had to answer the texts and emails that they'd received!

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

When Simon closed the show he said that he and Anthony would be back at 6am tomorrow. Maybe Ian is using up his annual leave before returning to do the 'live' slot. It's good to know that everyone is asking where Ian is. I wish he would return quickly to update us with what's going on. Perhaps he's away as he hasn't posted since Christmas Day?

Sid said...

Hello everybody,
I'm wearing my serious hat.. but smiling at the same time. That way people don't throw things at me when I have finished my pep talk.
In 1972 I volunteered for a redundancy deal. I had three months to work before I was allowed to leave. Did I dash to work and tackle everything with great exuberance, not on your life.
Perhaps Ian feels the same way. Broadcasting when you're as angry as hell isn't a good idea.
I'm sure we will all show our anger at the bbc in many different ways for this terrible act of betrayal to our friend, but we all know that in the end it will not make one jot of difference.
Each and every one of us has to hope that something greater and more rewarding comes along for Ian. I for one think it will. You can't keep a man like Ian down for long, that's one of the things we like about him.