Sunday 14 December 2008

2008 Sports Personality of the Year - Chris Hoy

Well Done Chris !!!
Chris Hoy Winner with Lewis Hamilton runner up and Rebecca Adlington, 3rd

Sir Bobby Charlton, winner of the Life-time Achievement Award, presented from brother, Jacky


Murphy and Dora said...

Hello Friends!

Congratulations to Chris, Lewis and Rebecca and all the other sports men and women who were nominated for awards this year. Special congratulations go to our local hero, Sir Bobby Charlton, who was taken aback by the lengthy standing ovation he received from everyone in the stadium.

Well done !!!

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Maureen said...

Hi I'm afraid that I'm not a 'sporty' type of person. But well done to all these people who work so hard to acheive their dream, and Bobby Charlton, well yes, he has a special place in our hearts in the North East hasn't he?

Lawrence said...

Hi Gang,

I'm back... wow it's been a busy few months.

Been back tracking this blog and it's fascinating reading, but what a selection of superb photographs - they're magnificent.

I will make sure I'm a regular visitor from now on.



Vivienne said...

Hi Loz, and everyone too!

I'm glad you've caught up with us here as well as on truckshunters. I heard parts of your interview last night, or rather this morning, but kept drfting in and out of sleep, but all I can say is, 'Ian Robinson you better watch out as Loz is after your job!' Seriously though, Inga did wonder why you couldn't step in when Ian isn't around. I said I suspect you have to be in the union, and insured, etc. etc. If not, and you have the time, why not consider taking over, as we'd all appreciate your input.

Thanks for your very kind comments about our photos. You could send some to be posted too. Email

Loz, perhaps you could provide a summary of all your, 'On Your Doorsteps' at the end of the year, for those of us who haven't managed to hear all 17 or so of them? I don't want this to be an onerous task, but a list of your subject matter would be useful. If Ian hasn't time to post it, I will post it on this Blog. I've tried to supply photographs appropriate to your topics, but can't always do so. (It's a bit too late to take a photo of the Highwayman at Wrekenton!)

Well, I've still some cards to write. I received a lovely angel through the post today from a Dutch friend who lives in Wales. I'll take a photo of the angel and post it asap.

Lawrence said...

Hi Vivienne,

Thanks for the kind words re the Doorstep, it really was fun to do and I learned a lot from interviewing Ian Whitehead, a true gent and spot-on James Renforth expert.

Thanks too for thinking you'd like to hear me fill in for Ian, I'm genuinely flattered.

When Ian takes holidays and breaks in the future I make no bones about it - I'd actually love to fill in until the boss-man returns and shows us all how to do it properly again, but if it were a possibility it wouldn't be imminently.

For a kick off I would need to be "employed", most probably freelance by the Beeb, which I'm not and can't see happening tomorrow... sadly.

Then the actual technical part of logging the pre recs together in the computer is a skill to be learned all of it's own and would take a few months I reckon.

But who knows I'd love to play as Ian's stand in when he jets away to Spain or Amsterdam in the years to come and deputise on the Nightshift for a week at a time. It'll all come out in the wash as they say... hmmmm who says?? and where does "It'll all come out in the wash" originate?

Hey... that's just me auditioning lol.

As for Doorsteps of 2008, yeah I have all my notes in order and could list them here no problem nearer the end of the year. James Renforth was the 18th we've done and we may squeeze one or two more into the year before it's over and then start on another 52 for next year lol.... that's a workload.

Don't forget to look out for 3 Doortstep special nights over the Christmas / New Year period... which will see the vast majority of the Doorsteps repeated in a veritable orgy of local history in multiple chunks.

So glad you like the feature... I get so much fun out of doing it too.... here's to many many more Doosteps over the ensuing months.


Vivienne said...

Hi loz,

Thanks for all your information about the, 'On Your Doorsteps' over Christmas etc. It's good to know that you are keen to fill in for 'the Boss' even though you will need quite a lot of time to train. Go for it!

Love, Vivienne xxx