Friday 17 October 2008

Radio Newcastle Blue Bus


Murphy and Dora said...

Top of the mornin' to you friends!

I thought you would enjoy seeing our lovely bus again. Happy days!!!

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Inga said...

A great big THANKS TO YOU, Murphy and Dora!
It just makes me green with envy that I never did see this bus. What fun it must have been for all of you

Vivienne said...

Hi Inga,

Did you see Penshaw Monument on the side of the bus? Also, There's the Angel of the North (Gateshead Angel), Souter Lighthouse (where my Dad worked as a volunteer after he retired) and The Gateshead Millennium Bridge.

Inga said...

Vivienne, again - thanks for your information. So now we have two victims to whom we can send our requests: Doug Morris and Sarah Miller. I am going to start composing my messages right now.

Inga said...

No, Vivienne, I did not make that out. I was just too excited about everything and did not take a close look. Glad you told me.

Vivienne said...

Well Inga I better get some sleep!
Night, Night!!!

p.s. Did you tick the box?

Inga said...

P.S. Vivienne, take a look at the time two of our messages were sent? Exactly the same time!

Inga said...

I have now !

Inga said...

Hello Everybody, looks like Vivienne and I were in a race to see who could hit the "send" the fastest :-)

Michael did not read my email because it was just a request to play an ABBA track. He did and I must confess that I had never heard it. It was - as Ian might say - a cracker of a track! The title was "If It Wasn't For the Nights" - now, how fitting is that, I ask you!

Maureen said...

Wow, haven't you all been busy! I couldn't believe all of the postings when I logged on this morning. That's a proper nightshift! (and a lovely new posting, thank you, Vivienne) Can you remember when they did all of that new artwork on the bus, with surrounding publicity, then it was withdrawn?. That's another thing that didn't make sense. Who is in charge there? !!!
I once sent in a limerick to Paul and Ian for a competition which we've mentioned before, but I'll repeat it for Inga:
There once was a young man named Wappat,
Who said "I know, Ian let's hop it,
We'll travel the Tyne, in our blue bus so fine,
And when I ring the bell you can stop it!"
(Ian used to be a bus driver in a past life)
I loved those blue bus days, I used to beg for them to have Radio Newcastle on at work, and wouldn't leave the house until it had finished on my days off!
Inga, you missed a real treat. Ian is so good live, I think that's why we are so sad about him being on as a recording. If you hear him with the news and weather people at 6am you'll know what I mean. People used to take him little gifts and he was so wonderful with them ... Happy Days!

Maureen said...

P.S, Michael said this morning that he still had two Nightshifts to do so he wouldn't be having a lie in over the weekend. Maybe no one told him that Ian records the weekend ones? I have thought, like you Vivienne, that maybe Ian prefers the shifts that he has.

Sid said...

Morning folks, what a nice surprise to see such a busy page. Lovely shot of the bus Vivienne.
I wonder what happened to it, bet money was involved in it somewhere.
Must go, lots to do.

Maureen said...

Hi Again,
Hildie, please tell us about Wee Hughie. Have you thought that we could 'cut out the middle man' by publishing our contributions on the blog? I often hear Ian read a story or tell a joke and hope that I'll remember it the next day.Then we wonder if our contribution has been read out, as we may have missed it. What does everyone else think? PS I'm not really suggesting cutting Ian out, but people might just be interested to read what they've missed!

Sid said...

Hello again,
Maureen that's a good idea, it wouldn't spoil anything for Ian, and would help me keep up with what's happening. I haven't heard any of Michael's shows this week, although the intent was always there.
I'm thinking of e-mailing Radio Devon about Inga's puzzle, would like to listen to the appropriate show.

Inga said...

Sid, the Radio Devon show comes on at 19:00 [your time], presenter is Duncan Warren. He has been on vacation the last 2 weeks and the show has been presented by Debbie McCrory. This will be her last day. She did not take any calls yesterday for the puzzle and I don't know if she will today. They do ask people to call in with the answer or provide a phone number with an email. That is what I did and they did call me back.

Sid said...

Thanks Inga, I shall give it a listen tonight. How's this for an Englsh expression "tickled pink", It means 'very pleased'.
Another is "over the moon" it has a similar meaning to tickled pink.
There must be lots more.....isn't there.

Maureen said...

Pleased to hear that you think it's a good idea Sid. I'm afraid, like you, I haven't managed to hear much this week, although I did hear Baccarats' "Yes sir, I can boogie" as one of this mornings', "guilty pleasures!"
Here's a "point to ponder" which I received from Canada today:
Once upon a time in a village, a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10.
The villagers, seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them.
The man bought thousands at $10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort.
He further announced that he would now buy at $20.
This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms.
The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50!
However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell to him for $50.'
The villagers squeezed up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys.
Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere!! !
Welcome to the 'Stock' Market!!!
By the way, Inga, I hope you realize that you are redirecting Ians' listeners to Radio Devon. Just joking, I hope we get to hear the answer sometime!

Inga said...

Hi Everyone - All of your suggestions have inspired me to come up with the following guess: How about airplane propeller blades being the answer to the Devon puzzle? I doubt that they let me guess again so if any of you think of an answer or think this one might do, get in touch with the program.
Hildie remember what I said about our answers tending to reflect what we do? Well, I must be more of an American than I thought. So far I've thought about cars and planes :-)

Inga said...

Just me again - I just heard from Joy Robinson the woman on the phone about the Unanswered Question. Here's a copy of the email message: "We won't be doing it tonight as Devon are not with us and it wouldn't be fair to them, so its back on Monday with Duncan."
I don't understand this business about Devon not being with them but you are probably more familiar with how these shows work.

Vivienne said...

Hi everyone,

Inga, can you remember last night Michael told a couple of stories, and I can't remember what he said. I recall thinking they would be good to share with everyone, if only I could remember! Are you able to help? I'm glad you mentioned Michael had played Abba for you, as I was wondering why I hadn't heard him read out your email.

Maureen I think it's a great idea to share our Nightshift contributions on the blog. We do seem to spend a lot of time trying to retain data to feedback to each other, and losing a lot of sleep in case we miss something important.

Lawrence, I missed a couple of 'On Your Doorsteps' so I hope you will be able to summarize your future tales for us too?

However, maybe we should give Ian a couple of days to read out our contributions before we post them here? Just a thought! Also, please remember you may email your photos etc. to if you would like your material posted as a lead story on a new page.

Vivienne said...

Hi folks,

I have copied an email I received from a friend and posted it below. You may already be aware of the potential dangers associated with the use of plastic wrappers & plastic containers for food/ drinks. If not, please read the following and share the information with your family and friends.

'Cancer Update from John Hopkins Hospital:

No plastic containers in microwave.

No water bottles in freezer.

No plastic wrap in microwave.

A dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer.

Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.

Recently, Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.

He said that we should not be heating our food in the Microwave using plastic containers... This especially applies to foods that contain fat.

He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body...

Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food... you get the same results, only without the dioxin.

So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc.,
should be removed from the container and heated in something else.

Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper.

It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.He reminded us
that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away

From the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the

Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as
dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is cooked the
high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.

Cover food with a paper towel instead.

This is an article that should be shared with anyone important in your life!

Bottled water in your car

Very dangerous.

This is how Sheryl Crow got breast cancer. She was on the Ellen show and said this same exact thing. This has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels in breast cancer, especially in Australia. A
friend whose mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and the Doctor told her: women should not drink bottled water that has been left in a car. The doctor said that the heat and the plastic of the bottle have certain chemicals that can lead to breast cancer. So please be careful and
do not drink bottled water that has been left in a car, and, pass this on to all the women in your life. This information is the kind we need to know and be aware and just might save us! The heat causes toxins from the plastic to leak into the water and they have found these toxins in breast
tissue. Use a stainless steel Canteen or a glass bottle when you can.'

Maureen said...

Thanks for the warning Viviene, I used to sell packaging at one time and can remember the make up of cling film (saran wrap) being altered during the early nineties and we were advised not to cook food containing fat (cheese, pork chops etc) in the old type migratory film. Catering film is now all classed as non migratory. I've also heard about the water bottle in the car which was a problem in Australia, due to the high temperatures reached there. I've checked it out on, a very handy site for checking virus warnings etc. You might like to take a look. You can never be too careful! I certainly wouldn't heat anything in a poly container although they state that they are safe now.
I've just posted this on the previous posting by mistake ...silly me!
Do you know, I like this new blog. We're using it a lot more than the old one!

Inga said...

Vivienne, I missed most of the first hour or so last night so I am no help on that one.
Thanks for the information about plastic. I will certainly change how I microwave things. Did you hear my little story about Sheryl Crow which Ian read out several weeks ago?

Inga said...

Maureen, I will make every effort to stay up 'til midnight [my time] one of these days so I can listen to Ian live. After all, you guys do it all the time.
Love your limerick! As a matter of fact I love limericks full stop
I listen to "Just a Minute" quite a bit and they got sidetracked one time and every panelist recited their favorite one. I laughed until I cried. Most are a little racy and you probably know them all. One was about a lady from Colesville, one about a young man from Torbay, one about a young lady from Ryde, and one about an old puff in Khartoom. If you don't know these, I'll check with Murphy and Dora about sending them! But here is one which you might not know because I first saw it in an American magazine and it doesn't need censoring:

A wonderful bird is the Pelican.
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week!
But I'll be d....d if I know how the hell he can!

Just heard your list of 13 things we wouldn't know if it wasn't for the movies. Great stuff

Maureen said...

Mornin' All,
Thanks for your kind comments about the limerick, they are fun aren't they? and so easy! I hope it would be worth you staying awake until midnight for Ian, he was marvellous with all of the characters who turned up at the blue bus. He often tells them off if the weather isn't good or picks up on something in the news at 6.
I don't think I did hear your story about Sheryl Crow, this is where it would be a help to have them on the blog wouldn't it? I didn't hear my 'bit' about the movies either, maybe I'll post it later. It would be nice to get Lozs' doorsteps too.
Sue Sweeney has just read a text out from Murphy and Dora. If Ian hears it on his return I'm sure it will give him a laugh. Hope he had a nice time.

Murphy and Dora said...

Hi Sue Sweeney!

Welcome to our blog,

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Maureen said...

Three cheers for Sue Sweeney, who rang Dora this morning after Murphy and Dora had thanked her for a lovely night at the Gala last night, where Sue had appeared in a charity night. Apparently Dora was too shy to go on the radio but told Sue about the blog and how we were hoping to get some new bloggers. Sue was a good sport and found it online and read the 'Penshaw Monument welcome piece' out and told people to check it out. Thanks a lot Sue, and if anyone new is reading this, please join in!

Hildie said...

Hello! I only wish I had heard Sue Sweeney talking about the blog this morning, Maureen!
I did hear Michael read your email about films though. And, guess what, I heard his guilty secrets at last! I do like the idea - we all have music we like but are reticent to admit to. I also heard him telling about a girl who had gotten into the Guiness Book of Records because she had a record number of snails on her face - deliberately, if you know what I mean! I won't be challenging that record, will you?
Any news from radio Devon yet?

Inga said...

Hildie, Radio Devon did not go into the puzzle on Thursday or Friday. On Monday the regular presenter Duncan Warren will be back and then they will do the puzzle again. The lady who did the show for the last two weeks mentioned something which Duncan said to her. Once he said that he thinks it will be Xmas before someone comes up with the right answer and the second time he said that he hopes someone will solve it before Xmas. Now I wonder if that was some kind of clue!
Back to your question about the third dimension. It may be 1" around but if that is the case, I think they should have said it.

Hildie said...

Inga, I'm thinking you might have just found the answer .... Christmas Trees! It is certainly a possibility - I read somewhere that the original custom was to have several small trees on tables, one for each member of the family, with that person's Christmas Presents put beside their own little tree.

Maureen, forgot to tell you - Michael was funny last night- he refered to Ian as 'Truckshunter Features' - it was just before he read out your email .... he said that he knew you were a regular contributor to the programme when 'Truckshunter Features' was in the chair!

Maureen said...

Hi Hildie, do you know? think you could be right about the Christmas trees, Prince Albert introduced them to this country so the time would have been right. Inga's got us going on this one. I've just been reading about sixfold ties!
I wonder what Truckshunter features will think about the shenanigans this week? and those snails ...ugh!

Inga said...

Hildie, in all fairness: YOU actually came up with the Christmas Tree! I think it's the best answer yet. So may I suggest the following based on how Radio Devon handles this feature. They only take answers over the phone. I did not know that and sent an email. They immediately emailed me back asking for my phone number which I provided and they called me back. I think you would stand a better chance if you called but I realize that this would involve the cost of a phone call so you might want to try what I did. I have a feeling that they would not mind calling one of you back since you are so far away from Devon. The lady who you talk to initially is Joy Robinson. She gets some basic information about where you are and what you do and the presenter picks up on that when you are connected to him. I was absolutely terrified when I realized what I had gotten myself into but Duncan Warren, the presenter, put me at ease and I got through the whole thing without making a complete fool of myself! Go girls and boys, go. Wouldn't you like to show them down there in the South :-) :-) :-) ?????

Vivienne said...

Good morning all,

Hildie, why not listen to Sue on 'Listen Again.' I think it was about 12.15 when she mentioned M&D, so you can fast forward near that time.

Also, Christmas trees is an excellent answer. Good luck.

Maureen I loved your limerick and Inga I'm sure Murphy & Dora would enjoy hearing yours, providing they are not offensive to anyone who may read the blog.

Vivienne said...

Hi everyone,

Did you hear Sue say that on her show tonight she's going to ask what keeps us awake at nights? I think we are all going to give the same reason, plus the need for the 'Nightshift' to be on 'Listen Again.'

Have you seen the ad. on Truckshunters?

Sid said...

Have you seen the Truckshunters Blog....Its up for SALE.
The current owner is retiring.
This is not a joke.

Maureen said...

I really don't know what to say, except welcome to our blog. Who ever you are!

Vivienne said...

Don't panic! It's me again. I have these crazy ideas. I hope Ian sees it!

Did you hear my greeting to you all this afternoon? I wrote to thank Michael for covering the Nightshift this week for Ian, and said we enjoyed his stories and music selection. He didn't read out that bit.

Sid said...

Could somebody clarify that the 'Esstate Agent, and the announcement of the owners early retirement is a joke'. If it is then it flew past me.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

Yes it is a joke. As I said in my previous Comment, it was one of my crazy ideas, which I'd hoped would amuse everyone. I didn't expect you to take the advert seriously. Sorry to cause any upset. It seems my sense of humour has backfired, although I think Inga took it as a joke?

I hoped Ian would read it, have a laugh and start posting again.

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

Thanks for pointing out the info on plastics on I see what you mean. It seems that the email has been going around since 2002, and there is no evidence to prove or disprove the data. I think we do need to take care with plastic water bottles heated in cars, and keep an open mind about the rest.

Inga, I did hear your email about Sheryl Crow. Her mother is a customer of yours?

Inga said...

Sid - re: ad. I am with you on that one.
Vivienne, I guess that answers your question as well :-) and yes, you heard it right, re Sheryl Crow's mother.
Here I go again with the questions: Is there any way to put the comment box at the bottom of the postings as it is on Ian's blog? I find it more convenient when writing a comment. I have found a way to work around having the comment box at the top, but could you check with M&D about the logistics of this little question of format?

Inga said...

Vivienne, in case you were not tuned in tonight, Ian read two of your submissions. The jockey joke [LOL - loved it] and another one equally funny.