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How many three letter words or more can you make from 'Lindisfarne' ?
Please write your words in the Comments Box and we'll see how many we can find.
Murphy & Dora are the mini mascots of Radio Newcastle's 'Nightshift' who enjoy sending postcards from their travels to radio presenter, Ian Robinson. murphyanddorastravels.blogspot.com has become a sister blog to Ian's own blog, truckshunters.blogspot.com. Please note that neither blog is associated with the BBC. They are purely social network blogs for like-minded folk. We welcome new friends into our network to read and use both blogs.
Hello Friends,
We'll start you off with:
How about Life,darn, find, fine, mine,lean, dean, we could go on forever, a good party game, I wonder how many words you could get out of it? I'll set our pub quiz team on to it!
Inga did you hear Ian mention Tom or John Rhodes from Maryland this morning? apparently he's been listening for a long time and just decided to join in. Now if he would only join us on here. Ian says that he has a lot of North American listeners and said it must be the sense of humour, I don't know if he meant his or theirs!
Stop Press!!! Listening to Radio Devon the answer to the competition was ... the plimsoll line! So there you are, we can all sleep easily in our beds tonight and thanks to Inga for keeping us entertained! I have something puzzling me at the moment, can anyone tell me what F A B stood for on the Thunderbirds childrens programmes? I'm having sleepless nights!
Just came by to report on the puzzle. Well, I don't know about you but I've never heard of such a line.
I did hear Ian mention someone from Maryland but I missed the rest of the story.
Vivienne asked me to report on Ian's story of why he went to Seville. I bet he'll repeat it Sunday. If he doesn't let me know and I'll tell you what I remember.
Hi Folks,
I've never heard of a Plimsoll Line either!
I've just looked it up:
'marking on ship's side showing limit of legal submersion in summer or under various conditions.'
So now we know!
Inga, repeat Ians' Seville experience? Rather you than me, that was some story. He must have talked for about ten minutes or was it longer? It's surprising what he decides to share isn't it?
Maureen I certainly could not repeat the whole story just the main idea.
And, Vivienne I will do so if you don't get a chance to hear it this weekend.
I gave the puzzle to two people who know someone who was in the Navy to see if even they would know the answer. I think one had to be a sailor or ship builder to know that. I hope the next one which will be revealed Monday is more down to earth, as it were !
Hi, just popped on to ask if Ian is on live Sunday morning as the clock goes back an hour at 2am? I seem to remember him saying to Mike Parr during the week that he would be. Hildie, did you hear what Ian got up to in Seville as I know that you were curious?
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