Sunday 12 October 2008

Murphy and Dora at Penshaw Monument


Murphy and Dora said...

Hello Friends!

Well, we can now tick 'Penshaw Monument' off our '100 things to do before we die' list! Talking about ticking, please remember to tick below when you post your first comment on this page.

Happy Blogging!

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Vivienne said...

Good morning folks,

Hildie, I'd heard of Addison's Disease too, and like you didn't know of its association with the North East of England. Thanks Lawrence!

Michael Poulter works with Kathy Secker on Sunday Afternoons. He seems to have been around for a long time, but working behind the scenes rather than fronting shows. Yes, he is an expert on Eurovision.

Vivienne said...

Thanks Hildie and Sid for letting the cat out of the bag! Happy birthday Maureen!!!

Hildie said...

Poor Michael, we Truckshunters (or Nightshifters as we're now called)
- we rather bombarded him today - but he seemed to put up with us very well, didn't he? Bless him!
Maureen, we all hope you are having the best birthday! That was a good idea of yours - the text from Murphy and Dora. xxx

Maureen said...

Thanks all, for making today a lot of fun. I couldn't believe it when we heard Michael mention my name. Hasn't he been a good sport?
PS. Don't ever tell Hildie a secret!

Maureen said...

Hi again,
I thought that I'd better explain for the sake of Inga (and Loz) if he didn't hear it! I foolishly let Hildie know that it was my birthday today, then I was shocked to hear Michael Poulter mention it on Kathy Seckers' show this afternoon. (He was standing in for her, then he'll be doing the Nightshift, so he'll have a busy week!)He mentioned Truckshunters and passed on best wishes from Hildie, Sid, and Vivienne. I couldn't believe it, such a lovely surprise! Then I reiterated with a text from Murphy and Dora for 'Wherever I lay my hat' for the same motley crew. He was such a good sport and read them out although he didn't have time to play the song. There's no such thing as bad publicity, I'm now looking forward to a week wth Michael, this could be fun!

Maureen said...

PPS. Nice photo Vivienne!

Sid said...

Hello everyone,
When I got the e-mail from Hildie this morning I wanted to come on here and tell the world it was Maureen's birthday. Then the doubts crept in and I chickened out.
Michael Poulter was a real diamond today, and as Maureen has already said he went along with the whole thing.
Vivienne, your pic of Penshaw Monument is one of the best I have seen.
This week will be like having a new headmaster at the helm, I'm sure we will all have a laugh.

Vivienne said...

Good evening everyone,

It was quite by chance that I heard Michael read out Hildie and Sid's birthday greetings for you Maureen. I was in my car and wasn't listening to my John Rutter CD, for a change. I'd been listening to Sue Sweeney last night, so Radio Newcastle came on when I started my car.

I'd only been driving about 10-15 mins when Michael very cleverly linked Hildie & Sid's messages, and played Rod Stewart for you. When I got out of my car I sent my text to Michael, which again I was lucky to hear him read out, and mention Hildie & Sid again, when I returned to my car. Unfortunately I missed hearing Michael read out your message, Maureen, but I'm glad you were listening this afternoon. I hope you've had a super day, although you will be sad your visitors are leaving tomorrow.

Thank you Sid and Maureen for your kind remarks about my Penshaw Monument Photo. The conditions were perfect for picture taking.

ps. Murphy & Dora weren't really there!!!

pps. Looking forward to hearing you on the Nightshift this week, Michael.

Hildie said...

Today was sweet! It was really good to hear our first outing on a daytime programme, wasn't it?
Were any of you ever Cliff Richard fans? I'm afraid I was in 1965. It is his birthday next, Maureen - the 14th. October. Anyway, I have just sent an email to Michael to ask if he might play a Cliff track on one of The Nightshift programmes this week. I was having my first crush at the time that these tracks were around ....
Fly Me To The Moon,
Long Ago and Far Away,
My Foolish Heart -
ever heard of any of them?
I mentioned these ones in particular to Michael, so I'm hoping to hear at least one of them.
p.s. I did also ask if he would be able to mention the blog for us.

Vivienne said...

Morning All,

Well would you believe it, after ticking Murphy & Dora's box I forgot to tick my own! It was a lovey surprise to find your last comment Hildie, as I thought no one was playing out.

Yes, I was a Cliff fan too. I always thought we were made for each other, until he lost his hair! Fickle aren't I? My first record was, 'Please Don't Tease.' Apart from, 'We Don't Talk Anymore' I prefer his early hits, although I once saw him on tv singing a duet from Heathcliff, with Olivia Newton John, which I loved. Cliff was always on my list of people to see in concert, but haven't got round to it yet. So, yes I knew it was his birthday on the 14th. He'll be 68yrs old.

I've got an ancient floppy, plastic single which I receive as a free gift in a magazine in the 60s, where Cliff comes on and says, ' Well Hi there, this is Cliff' I can't remember the rest of his dialogue but he talked for a couple of minutes or so. I never found his fan club address (no internet in those days) otherwise I would have been a member.

Who sang, 'My Foolish Heart,' Hildie? I've heard of it but can't place the singer or song.

I've just realized why I didn't tick the box. I hadn't signed in prior to adding my comments. So the 'tick email box' has not appeared. Maybe that's why you couldn't find the box too, Inga?

Vivienne said...

Just ticking the box now I'm signed in!

Hildie said...

Evening All ...
you know Ian's Top 5 of Everything?
Well, just before he went to Seville, he started talking about the top five placenames. He would like us to contact him to suggest a local placename which, because of it's weirdness or peculiarity, deserves a place in the top five.
Ian's suggestions were as follows :
1. Ogle
2. Quaking Houses
3. Glororum
4. Pity Me
5. Blakehopeburnhaugh
AND Cottonshopeburnfoot.
I don't think he could decide between those last two!

Anyway, the idea is to come up with suggestions that are local to you - so, Inga, don't feel that you are left out of this. You will soon get used to the idea that Ian usually leaves us a bit of homework to do when he goes on his holidays!

I'm going to have a listen in to Michael in a while, see if he plays one of those Cliff tracks. You should know that
the fact that I was a Cliff fan is not something I am necessarily proud of, but there you go, I was.
As I said yesterday, I had just discovered boys, and was in the throes of my first crush, so those songs were very meaningful!
I have a quote about being young (from where I do not know) but it often comes into my head. It goes like this .....
"Age brings wisdom and age brings truth, and the seasoned tongues are keen, but give me the honeyed lies of youth, and keep my wisdom green."
Full of deep thoughts at the moment, aren't I?

Maureen said...

Yoo Hoo! I'm back! Bit of a sad day yesterday seeing my son off to New Zealand (He should be on his way from Singapore by now) but we've had a lovely time and he's due back next year so I'll look forward to that. (And it was lovely having him here for my birthday you all made it extra special, thank you again.)
Now back to business ... I received a reply from Doug Morris at the BBC saying that the amount of space on the radio iPlayer available to Radio Newcastle is limited, and they don't have the room to make the overnight programme available at this time. So that's us told! I think, like Inga said, we just have to keep trying, the more the merrier! After all, we are the customer!
I've had a couple of nice emails from Michael Poulter, saying that he isn't 'au fait' with the Truckshunters but he will ask Ian on his return, I've said that we'll try to provide him with some cotributions for this week. Did you hear his piece about the Chinese man who could breathe in water and let it out through his tear ducts? That would certainly qualify for one of Ians' 'weirdos!'
Yes, Happy Birthday Cliff, my sister was a great fan and I learnt all about him, and his songs whether I liked it or not! Actually, I did like quite a lot of his songs although I preferred Adam Faith, probably just to be awkward! I remember my sister being a member of his fan club and receiving a gold Aladdins' lamp pendant when he was in pantomime at the Palladium. I wonder if she still has it?

Vivienne said...

Good Morning folks!

Glad to have you back, Maureen, although sorry it's at your loss.
Happy birthday Cliff! My sister was more of an Adam Faith, rather than a Cliff, fan. I saw Adam Faith when he came to open Heworth Comprehensive School. Hundreds of girls assembled in the school grounds to see him. I was disappointed at how small he was. He looked much taller on tv! In those days you were either an Elvis or Cliff fan. Then you were either a Cliff or Adam fan! Sadly only Cliff is the only survior, but still going strong.

Inga, I forgot to reply about your query regarding gas prices. By 'gas' I assume you are talking about petrol and diesel? Yes, this has gone down in price, although not to the level it was last year when I bought a new car. I chose to buy a car with a diesel engine,as i thought it would be better for the environment, although the car was about £1,000 more in price. At that time there wasn't much of a difference in fuel prices. I think I was paying about 79.9 pence per litre. A couple of months ago it had almost doubled in price. Last night I found a Total garage in Blaydon where I paid only 112.9 per litre. Most of the other garages are charging anything from 115.9p - 121.p for diesel. Petrol is about 10p less, but again this varies.

Our gas and electricity prices have all gone up dramatically this year. It seems we are better off switching energy providers regularly, to take advantageof offers for new customers. I did this earlier this year, and although I've just been notified of a price increase from the end of August, I'm still paying a lot less with Southern Electric than I was with Npower. There I've named and shamed!"!!

Hildie said...

Morning Maureen, that must have been such a tough day yesterday for you.
Do you know if Michael played any Cliff? I suspect he was going to play something after 5 o'clock. I was listening to the start of the programme and he mentioned something about a Peter Pan person after 5. I'd have been asleep then .... but, better still, he played some Van Morrison for me just before 2a.m. and he did the mention of the 'murphyanddorastravels' blog! I don't think he was feeling very well, you know. I reckon he had a sore throat. Typical, isn't it -you get a week's work doing The Nightshift and you get a sore throat the first day. I missed his bit about the Chinese Man - like you say, he would have fitted in nicely with Ian's weirdos!
I hope all is well in Seville! I'm trying to think of some strange local placenames, to send to Ian, for consideration for his Top Five.
Maureen, if Doug Morris says there is no chance for "Listen Again" then maybe we should ask if they can please put Ian on a daytime or early evening programme every once in a while. That would be such a luxury. Take care!

Hildie said...

p.s. When I say once in a while, I don't just mean once a year!

Vivienne said...

Hi again,

I'll afraid I slept most of the night and only heard one or two songs during the Nightshift. I'd hoped to catch the live part of the show, but felt cold so put on my electric blanket and zzzzzzzzzzzzz !

Vivienne said...

This keyboard is misbehaving itself again. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I meant to say, 'I'm' not 'I'll'.

Oh! I've just seen, 'Collapse comments'. I'd wondered where I'd seen it. Sorry, I know we had this conversation several weeks ago!

Maureen said...

Did anyone hear Jonathan mention Murphy and Doras' thanks for playing 'Wired For Sound'? This is becoming a challenge ....Who's next? I'd love Jonathan to join us. He has such a great sense of humour!

Vivienne said...

No Maureen, although I have been listening most of the morning. Yes, he would be a good laugh.

Maureen said...

Hello All,
Has anyone here seen Sid? and Inga?, and Loz? They haven't all cleared off with Ian have they? Next time I think we should all put our name down for the staff outing. Good job the foot soldiers are still working! I'm still trying to think of something to send in to Michael although I must admit that I haven't heard much of his programme this week. Maybe we're all catching up on our sleep while Ian's away? I am trying Michael, honest! I'll use matchsticks tonight, such dedication!
Vivienne, I quickly sent a text to Jonathan as he played 'wired for sound' at the end of his programme. I see you posted then, you must have been concentrating!

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

As my router still hasn't arrived, I'm still using my laptop in the lounge, where I don't have a radio as such, 'though had two on elsewhere in the house. I guess I was just unlucky that I missed hearing Jonathan mentioning Murphy & Dora.

I'm guessing too that Sid is bagging up all the leaves in Gateshead before they get too wet,
Inga must be staring up at the enormous space ship with Aliens, about which Jonathan was talking to Richard D. Hall this morning, and Loz must be researching his next, 'On Your Doorstep.' I'm sure they will all turn up soon.

Inga said...

Hi Everyone - I've been going places but Seville is not one of them. I should be so lucky!
There are 5 rather weird name places in Arkansas and I will submit them later on, should Ian mention that issue again.

Toad Suck
Bald Knop

Maureen, thanks for your efforts with the Listen Again feature. Who is Doug Morris? The Radio Newcastle station manager?

Vivienne, thanks for addressing the gas/petrol issue. I think the prices here have gone down so dramatically because of the upcoming elections. The financial crisis has not helped Bush and his cronies so this is some sort of desperation move. I've alway had a problem with the supply and demand theory. It's usually a vague guess of supply and demand based mostly on rumour.

Hildie said...

Inga, believe me, Ian will love those placenames from Arkansas ...
I can already hear him laughing!!

Inga said...

I meant to type "Bald Knob" not Knop!
What makes these names to funny to me is the fact that they fit the way the state of Arkansas in particular and the South in general is perceived by other Americans. There are Rednecks, backwoodsy country folk and most inhabitants pay little attention to grammar and spelling. As generalization go, this is, of course one of them :-) ! I checked place names in the state of Maine and could not find a single weird or funny one.

Sid said...

Hello everyone, well that's the caravan ready for the winter. Such a sad time, I hate leaving it just sat there.
When you look at some of the rubbish, sorry, I mean programmes, on 'listen again' it makes me quite angry that Ian can't have some space on it. The way things are allocated I'm surprised the traffic and travel team don't get the chance to air the traffic problems from last week!.
Anyway I'm going for a bacon sandwich and then I'm going to strip the kitchen. Looking forward to that, Jean bought the paper in Hawick. I hope we got enough rolls.

Sid said...

How unusual is this...Last Wednesday I purchased a lucky dip, 3 number Hotpicks, for the lottery in Gateshead.. The numbers were..2, 8, 47.
Yesterday in Tesco's Galashiels I bought another lucky dip 3 number Hotpicks. The same numbers came out. What are the chances of that happening?.

Hildie said...

That's weird, Sid! Well, let's hope they come out tonight as well! Are you having any bother with Basil, that cockerel who has put Gateshead on the map this week?
No one has ventured onto our new blog yet . Radio Newcastle listeners, where are you?
Vivienne, to answer your question from a few days ago - it was Frank Sinatra who sang "My Foolish Heart".

Inga said...

I listen to Radio Devon every once in a while in the afternoon and they have been asking their listeners to come up with an answer for the question below. They have been doing this for a least three weeks, several people have called in or emailed but nobody has come up with an answer!
"Introduced in the late 1800's it was 1" thick and at least 1 foot long. It later increased in size six-fold". The only clue I've ever heard them give was that "it was still very much with us today". This is driving my crazy! Does any one of you have a clue?

Hildie said...

Inga, I'm having a guess for you but it won't be correct. The only thing I can think of is a blackboard for children to chalk on in school. The thing is - they are no longer with us! Nowadays we have interactive whiteboards!
I need to ask you if you know what Michael Poulter means when he says he is giong to do his "Guilty Secrets" after 3a.m? I'm always fast asleep by then, but I'm rather curious. Hope someone comes up with a better answer to your question. Good luck!

Inga said...

Hildie, thanks for giving it a try. That would have been a really good answer if you still had blackboards. It's interesting to see that a lot of people come up with answers somehow related to what they do in life. Rulers was one suggestion - bet that was also a teacher. Telescope was another - I thought that would be it but it wasn't. My guess was the runningboard of a car.
Re: Guilty Secrets. I've heard Michael mention it twice but the first time was probably weeks ago and last night I was trying to catch up with some bookkeeping. I am rubbish with numbers, so that took all my concentration. Maybe he'll do it again tonight. Sounds intriguing, doesn't it :-)
Hildie, I have two friends and several customers who are teachers and just want to tell you that I have nothing but the deepest admiration for all of you. I would not last one day!

Inga said...

Hildie, it's "Guilty Pleasures" just heard him mention it but I did not catch when he would do so.

Inga said...

Hildie, we must have missed some kind of lead-in to this "Guilty Pleasures" feature because I did not quite understand it. He announced the feature and then said that one comes from a woman who was once married to Burt Bacharach and - I think he said - that she is a song writer. He then played "You're Moving Out Today" which I have to assume was written by her. The other one, he said, comes from someone [or the wife of] who wrote the music for the movie "Fame". The track he played was sung by Leslie Gore but I did not catch the title. Anyway, I am wondering: whose guilt and whose pleasures? Could it be that he feels guilty about liking these songs or the women who wrote/sung them ???? Your guess is as good as mine!
Well, it's back to working on my book inventory.

Inga said...

Oh, dear - is there a limit to how many consecutive comments one can make ?
"Guilty Pleasures" as Michael just explained are tracks that you are ashamed to admit you like but sing along every time you hear them"

Hildie said...

Good morning Inga, thank you so much for getting to the bottom of Michael's "Guilty Pleasures" feature for me! You worked hard at that! At last I know!

Overnight, I came up with ruler as a suggestion for your Radio Devon question. Goes to show that it was right what you just said about people thinking of things related to their jobs! It's a good little puzzle, I'm dying for the answer now! How about parasols? I will keep thinking.

I sent Michael a joke about "Wee Hughie" - don't suppose you know if he read it out? It's a good thing you are on 'look out' over there in Arkansas!

Inga, I only teach primary school children. I have never wanted to teach the older children.

Hildie said...

At 5:42a.m. this morning Michael sent me an email about those Cliff tracks - Fly Me To The Moon, My Foolish Heart, Long Ago and Far Away - he said he hasn't been able to find them yet. He thinks he has the album at home and if he finds it he will try to play one of the tracks on this Sunday afternoon's "Dedication Show".
That's so nice of him!

Sid said...

Morning everyone, its bright and sunny here Inga, but its a cold wind as well.
That problem from radio Devon will help me decorate the kitchen today, bet it has something to do with food.
Hildie, do you have the Cliff Richard LP with some of those songs on it? If not it was called 'Cliff Richard Sings the Standards'. It was released in September 2003. It includes...Heartbeat, I Saw Her Standing There and The Girl from Iponema.
Must go now, kitchens a must.

Maureen said...

Mornin All,
Inga that mindbender is great, I'm sure Ian would love it, if we ever get the answer! I'm thinking of something six inches deep x six foot wide. Or am I completely off the mark? It certainly qualifies as a mindmangler! You've certainly got us all thinking! Did you hear the question on Mike Parr this morning? What is the capital of Iceland? ... about £3.50! Unfortunately, very near the mark. Isn't it strange how these jokes always pop up? I suppose it's our way of dealing with adversity.
Sorry, I've taken so long to reply to your query Inga. Doug Morris is apparently the assistant editor of Radio Newcastle. Where do we go next? I think that's an excellent idea Hildie, it would be such luxury to have just one, live daytime programme per week. Not a lot to ask is it?
By the way, for anyone keeping track, Murphy and Dora have 'starred' on Paddy Mc Dees' programme twice this week and another mention from Jonathan. I wondered if Murphy and Dora might contact some people by email, explaining what we are up to?

Vivienne said...

Hi everyone,

Well Sid, are you a secret Cliff fan too, or did you do some clever research? I've never heard of that album, but did find his official fan club site online yesterday. I didn't know he'd walked the Great Wall of China with Olivia Newton John, to raise monies for a new cancer centre in Australia. Also he has released an album of duets, some of which are with Olivia, and the proceeds are going towards her campaign. I plan to track it down.

Inga, I've been pondering over Radio Devon's puzzle too, but can't think of anything except some kind of drinking vessel, such as a Yard of Ale. Except it would need to be two yards of ale! In case you're wondering I've never worked in a pub!

On the subject of unusual place names, what about adding the following to the list?

1. No Place
2. Muggleswick (definitely Harry Potter!)
3. Dirt Pot (near Allenheads)
4. Crawley Side
5. Snods Edge

Inga, I've consulted with Murphy & Dora and they agree I may add your email extract about place names to my comments:

"There are 4 states which have Intercourse as well as Climax for names of towns/locales/suburbs: Alabama, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. A Sales Rep told me about the one in Alabama and added that she found Intercourse but never Climax!"

Inga said...

Hildie - what on earth makes you say "I ONLY teach primary school children"? Good Heavens that surely is just as demanding as teaching older pupils. I had an interesting response from a teacher one time to my statement of regret that teachers are shockingly underpaid. They are over here and I think so are they in the UK. Anyway she said: "Yes, it would be nice to get paid more but would you really want your children to be taught by people who are in it for the money?" Made me think, that did!
Sorry, I did not hear the "Wee Hughie" joke. He may have told it after I turned the computer off.
Thanks to all of you for thinking about the puzzle. What we are doing here, obviously, is what we call "brain-storming". I did hear the presenter say that we'd have to think outside the box. And all of your thoughts from food to ale and something 6" deep by 6 ft wide show that you are. Another answer I remember was a famous tree somewhere which was inspired by the words " has grown 6-fold..."
I agree it would be great to have a live version of the NightShift - it would be easy enough to change the name to DayShift! So should we start a campaign by writing to Doug Morris requesting such a program [not necessarily calling it DayShift]?
Vivienne, great place names. The list of 5 may have to be changed to 10 or more! Glad to see that Murphy & Dora have no objections to an occasional double entendre!

Hildie said...

Inga, there's a lot of pleasure in teaching in the primary school, instant rewards really.
About the Radio Devon puzzle - I'm wondering if we are a dimension short. Is it a 2D object or a 3D object?
I think I am going to write, at the weekend, to beg for a daytime or early evening programme from Ian once a week. I'm going to explain that we have given up sleep for a year - that, in all likelihood, we will continue to do so ... but it would be a real luxury to hear him at a reasonable time. I am certain that most of the North East of England thinks that he has left Radio Newcastle. They are hiding the talents of an excellent presenter, who knows so much about the North East, it's people and it's culture. Apart from that, he can make people laugh.
Remind me to tell you all about "Wee Hughie".

Vivienne said...

Hi folks!

Maureen, I guess we were posting at the same time earlier. I'll have a word with Murphy and Dora as you suggest!

Now the puzzle. Inga you stated the object was at least one foot long and 1" thick, what about the width? It could be the width which has increased six fold. What about some type of beard? Or something that grows? Sheets of toilet paper?
Some type of newspaper or magazine?
Chocolate bars? I did wonder about a cat of nine tails,(my sister used to have one. It was a standard issue for newly qualified teachers in Scotland) but they are now no longer in use. Torch with battery? Phone? Sorry, I'm sure these aren't much use!

Hildie, I forgot to thank you for telling me it was Frank Sinatra who sang, 'My Foolish Heart.' I'm afraid I was never a fan of his. I much preferred Matt Munro.

Vivienne said...

Hi Inga,

What about a 'foot print' one inch deep? Something like Hollywood Boulevard Stars, but with footprints instead?

Inga said...

Vivienne, you had some good ideas but I'll just repeat the question because I don't know about the width. "Introduced in the late 1800's it was 1" thick and at least 1 foot long. It later increased in size six-fold". The only clue I've ever heard them give was that "it was still very much with us today".

Hildie, you are basically asking the same question - is it a 2D or 3D object? I just don't know, guess it could be either one.
I am glad you enjoy teaching - I thought you might!
Re: Ian
Did he have another program on Radio Newcastle at some time? What kind of program was it? In any case, I will also send in a request for a daytime program. I'll just do it via email this time since my handwritten snail mail made no impression on anybody.
I'm ready to hear about "Wee Hughie" whenever you are!

Vivienne said...

Hi Inga,

I'm sorry I can't think of anything else relating to the puzzle. Oh! What about the first ice lolly? Or rungs on a step ladder?

You asked about Ian's history with Radio Newcastle? Well Ian first appeared as a guest on Paul Wappat's Saturday Morning Show several years ago. Ian had been invited to talk about people's names, if I remember correctly. He came on for an hour and was an immediate success. It was evident Ian had knowledge of local history and well as names. He became a regular on the show and he and Paul made an excellent double act. They were really funny!

Such was their popularity they were given the 10.00am - 1.00pm weekday slot. Unfortunately I was at work, so only heard the show when I was on holiday, or during car rides from my day centre to the Civic Centre, etc. They started going out and about on the Radio Newcastle Blue Bus, visiting towns and villages all over the North East of England, and meeting local people, guests etc. They had a daily anagram, which was devised by the last winner, such as Hildie! The whole programme was interesting and full of energy. Usually Paul was based in the studio, while Ian sampled the local pies etc. on his travels. I should add that he is a vegetarian. One week both Paul and Ian walked the Roman Wall during the show. That was most interesting as they discussed the history of the area and talked to people working at the Roman Forts and Guest Houses.

It was about the time when the Blue Bus was taken out of service that Ian was transferred to the Nightshift. A little later on Paul suddenly left the BBC. I learned that he now works for Smooth Radio and has weekday 4pm slot.

It occurred to me folks that last time the clocks changed Ian did a live slot from 1-2am, so he could sort out the computer or whatever. I wonder if he'll do the same this month? I was thinking that the Sunday highlights would be a good show to repeat during the day. Alfie Joey has his repeated Comic Cuts on Saturdays from 1-2pm. As Alfie has a daytime show perhaps that slot could be given to Ian? Better still, put Ian on instead of the Saturday afternoon football!

One aspect we haven't considered is that Ian may have opted to do the Nightshift, rather than a daytime show. If he couldn't appear live then we could listen to his highlights as already suggested.

Inga said...

Vivienne, thanks a bunch for this information. WOW - here you are at 1:30 in the morning composing such a long message! I used to think I was a nightowl but I couldn't keep up with you guys! What you and Hildie have told me will help me composing my request for a daytime slot. Otherwise the powers that be may wonder what is to me. How I wish I could have heard some of those shows! Wappat must be a common name because I noticed that there is a Frank Wappat on Radio Newcastle. Do all of you realize that the Nightshift is the only show of its kind on any of the BBC radio stations? All the others, as far as I know switch to the Worldservice or BBC 5. Quite frankly that scares me a little. I know all of us let Ian know how much we appreciate him but maybe we need to tell that to the editors/managers or whoever as well. Thanks again, Vivienne for taking the time to tell me about Ian and Radio Newcastle.

Vivienne said...

Hi again Inga,

I used to do a lot of posting during the night when I could use my laptop in bed! I've just heard Michael say he's going to read your email after 3am.

Frank Wappat is Paul's father. It was due to Frank that I started listening to Radio Newcastle. One of the singers from his Inspirational Show started attending the day centre where I was working at that time. Frank had a weekday show as well as his Sunday Gospel Show in those days. It amused me to turned the radio up in Cathy's presence, when Frank played one of her songs. She fained embarrassment! I got to know Frank through going with Cathy to some of Frank's live shows. Frank has been around since the first broadcast of Radio Newcastle. He is another person with links to Jarrow, as he attended Jarrow Grammar School, although long before I attended.

I've been on my old laptop and have been able to access my old emails offline. I found the reply to my email re 'Listen Again.' It was Sarah Miller who answered my message. I think she is in management, but she didn't give her status.

I've also found my photo of the Blue Bus after it was covered in lovely local photos. I'm going to post it now as this page is getting quite full.

Maureen said...

Thanks for the warning Viviene, I used to sell packaging at one time and can remember the make up of cling film (saran wrap) being altered during the early nineties and we were advised not to cook food containing fat (cheese, pork chops etc) in the old type migratory film. Catering film is now all classed as non migratory. I've also heard about the water bottle in the car which was a problem in Australia, due to the high temperatures reached there. I've checked it out on, a very handy site for checking virus warnings etc. You might like to take a look. You can never be too careful! I certainly wouldn't heat anything in a poly container although they state that they are safe now.