Wednesday 25 August 2010

AGM - Tanfield Railway


Maureen said...

Lovely pics again Vivienne. Good job that you are always there be official photographer, otherwise we absentees would miss out. Thanks so much, it means a lot to be kept in the loop.
I know that I keep saying this, but hope to get to the next one!

Vivienne said...

Hi Maureen,

Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. I'm pleased I managed to catch you at Birkheads. I hope your niece is recovering well. Everyone seems to be having problems at present! I'm sure you'll make it to the next AGM, especially if we can have quickie at Birkheads.

Sid said...

Maureens right Vivienne, great pics and so quickly added to your blog.
Having said that I've only just found the time to have a good look.
I'm trying very hard not to laugh, but the last sentence on your posting here gave me the giggles.
All I can say is it sounds like a good idea...

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

I hadn't realized what I'd said, but I'm glad I made you giggle. I think you need a few giggles after the week you've had. Gillian must be back home by now, and I hope you are all able to relax.

Vivienne said...

Thanks Hildie for forwarding Neville's photos. They are very good. I'll post them as soon as I get a few minutes. I haven't forgotten I promised to email my Tanfield photos to you. I promised Neville too.