Friday 16 April 2010

AGM at Birkheads Secret Gardens

Hildie, Maureen & Sid


Sid said...

Thanks Murphy and Dora for showing those super photographs. Next time come with Vivienne please.

Maureen said...

Yes I was thinking that we must remember to include Vivienne next time. We'll have a word with the official Truckshunters photographer...Nice photos' we must be building up quite a collection now.
Weren't we lucky with the weather again? Today doesn't look half as good.

Vivienne said...

Sid, I keep M&D in the car, and forget to bring them out for photo shoots! I guess we should have remembered to ask Christine or Mick to take a photo of the four of us before you left.

Thanks to you both for taking the time to post a comment.

Inga, if you're reading this my word verification below is 'inger'