Saturday 5 September 2009

Inga's Photography Exhibits - Aren't They Amazing?


Vivienne said...

Hi Folks,

I couldn't resist posting Inga's wonderful digitally and creatively enhanced photos. They are truly amazing. What an Artist!!!

Many thanks for sharing them, Inga.

Lots of love,

Vivienne xxx

Sid said...

They are wonderful Vivienne, Inga has a rare talent.

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

Inga has set me a message to post as she's forgotten how to sign in and post a Comment.

Inga says......

'Thanks Viv and Sid for your kind comments and the - ahem - exposure [pun intended] here on M&D Travels.
It's great fun working in my virtual darkroom and being able to produce prints exactly as I want them rather than having some lab tech trying to do so.
While I am here I will look at what else has been posted.'

Inga, we're having another 'AGM' or get-together later today, so look out for more photos. You may wish to view Truckshunters too, as more 'news' has been posted there. Sid's daughter, Gilly, has been unwell and had to be rushed into hospital. She's recovering now.... I hope? Thanks for your message and please keep sending your magnificent photos.

Sid, I hope to see you today at Tynemouth Station. I've been asked to go into Gibside too. Sandra must have forgotten that I told her I had other plans for today. However, I thought I could stay at Tynemouth until about 1.30pm then take over from her at Gibside. She works really hard, mostly voluntarily, so I want to help her if I can. She's working at Wallington on Monday & Tuesday as they haven't a cook!

Lots of love,

Vivienne xxx