Wednesday 29 July 2009

Scam Email

Sorry folks,

Someone seems to have hacked into my contact list and sent begging messages from Nigeria using my name. I think they must have changed my password as I can't now get into my Hotmail account. Please ignor the email and block the sender.

from Vivienne xxx

ps If you need to contact me please use


Sid said...

Computers can be such a worry. I remember when Gilly had the same or similar problem. It might need a professional to 'clean' your pc Vivienne.
I hope you forgive me having a smile at your e-mail. If you were in a foreign land and a taxi driver tried to rob you, I fear it would be him needing help....not

Vivienne said...

Hi Sid,

You could be right about that! I'll have to take a trip back to PC World, I guess. I'm still paying for cover, so should be ok.

I've set up a new hotmail account and will email around whe I get the chance.

Vivienne said...

Hi again,

I've got the new ID sorted. I was worried that if I cancel my original hotmail account I may lose my Blogs too. So I've just now changed my primary email for my Blogs. However, please continue to use murphy and dora until further notice.