The Creepy Halloween Party
‘Come on Dora, we’ll be late. We must leave now.’
‘Well I’ve got to look my best.’
‘Yes but you’re wearing a witch’s outfit - black pointed hat, black cape and a mask, and yet you’ve been in the bathroom for two hours!’
‘I’m ready now. Oh Murphy for goodness sake put that pint down. You can’t take it with you!’
Dora glided down the stairs two at a time. Her black cape flowing out behind her. Dora’s voice was muffled behind her green rubbery mask. The diminutive Murphy was standing at the foot of the stairs, handsome in his black top hat, tails and long cape. He held his large, half full glass in his right hand, and Dora’s broomstick in his left. As Dora approached he offered the broomstick to her and smiled lovingly. Murphy’s smile revealed a mouth filled with plastic Dracula teeth.
As Murphy stepped forward to greet her with a kiss, Dora recoiled in horror and disgust.
‘You’re not kissing me while you’re wearing those teeth, Mr. Dracula!’
Murphy laughed, took out the offending teeth, and climbed onto the third stair to reach Dora’s lips. They exchanged a hurried although passionate embrace, then left the house hand in hand, Murphy picking up his candle-lit pumpkin on the way.
It was twilight as they disappeared down the quiet street. Murphy and Dora made a facinating couple. Dora, very tall, extremely slim and elegant, towered about her squat partner. Their black capes billowed out behind them as a breeze wafted around the lovers. Dora’s long lolloping gait caused Murphy to run, skip and jump to keep up with her. They disappeared into the night with an occasional stare from strangers they passed by.
How exciting, their first Halloween Party together!

Marsden Bay