Sunday 7 September 2008

Murphy, Dora, Pip & Pop in the Peak District


Maureen said...

Nice to see the four of you together, looks,like you had a nice time despite some bad weather, I wonder where you will turn up next?

Murphy and Dora said...

Hello Maureen,

Thank you for telling us Pip and Pop were over here in the Peak District. We managed to track them down after our trip to Blackpool, and they took us to some of the super places you visited with them. We haven't planned our next trip but we'll be off again soon. Dora fancies going to The Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Seems like a good idea as I want to sample the local mead.

Luv Murphy xx and Dora xx

Maureen said...

Pleased that you managed to get together, I'm sure that you had a lot to catch up on. Holy Island's really nice, mind you don't get caught out with the tides!