Having a quick drink before setting off on our travels again.
Murphy & Dora are the mini mascots of Radio Newcastle's 'Nightshift' who enjoy sending postcards from their travels to radio presenter, Ian Robinson. murphyanddorastravels.blogspot.com has become a sister blog to Ian's own blog, truckshunters.blogspot.com. Please note that neither blog is associated with the BBC. They are purely social network blogs for like-minded folk. We welcome new friends into our network to read and use both blogs.
I'm wondering what you were drinking there Murphy? I know you like to sample the local brews. Did you try the jenever when you were in Holland? It's proper gin, with a real kick!
Well Maureen it's all a bit of a blur, my friends just kept filling up my glass and I had to be carried back to my hotel. Dora isn't speaking to me, again!
Luv Murphy xx
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